Friday, October 3, 2008

I win!

I beat her!

In 2007, I gave more to charity than Sarah Palin. I gave a whopping 3.5%, while she gave 2.0%- even less than "hypocrite" Barack Obama.

Hmm... I gave $1500 on an income of $41,000, vs $3300 on an income of $166,000. She actually did a lot better the year before, giving a bit more in absolute terms while making slightly less. So I wonder what happened in 2007 that motivated her to halve her charity? Trig wasn't born yet, so I don't think he figures into the equation- although on this year's return, she'll get an extra $3500 tax deduction for him.

I don't really feel that's a good measure of a candidate. But you have said that you do, so I just want to make sure you're aware of how your candidates stack up on your own criteria. Its actually really ironic- if you take the whole group of present and recent candidates, the winner for charitable giving (and taxpaying) is Dick Cheney by a wide margin. Yet I don't hear anyone extolling him as the paragon of political virtue.

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